Deze Algemene Bepalingen zijn van toepassing op alle activiteiten, producten en diensten die aangeboden, geleverd en georganiseerd worden door, van en met Access Joy en/of Akasha Center en/of diens wettelijke vertegenwoordiger. Als gevolg van contact, bestellingen, deelname, afname en het ondergaan van sessies, alsmede het betalen van de betreffende vergoeding, ga je onherroepelijk akkoord met deze Algemene Voorwaarden en geef je aan ze onbetwistbaar na te leven en oneindig akkoord te bevinden.
* Aanmelding/Inschrijving/ Betalingsvoorwaarden
Zsm na aankoop / inschrijving ontvang je een factuur via welke je het bedrag kan voldoen (kijk hiervoor ook even in je spambox, mocht je na één dag niets ontvangen hebben). Na ontvangst van de gelden is de aankoop / de inschrijving definitief en vindt levering / afname plaats.
Bij tijdelijke onderbreking, verzuim of afwezigheid van de cliënt, om welke reden dan ook, vindt geen restitutie van het reeds betaalde vergoeding plaats en blijft elke aangegane betalingsverplichting staan, als zijnde het product/de les/ de cursus/de sessie gewoon afgenomen.
Bij geen afmelding of later dan 24 uur van tevoren, geldt bovenstaande. De gemiste les/cursus/sessie komt te vervallen en de betalingsverplichting blijft staan, als zijnde de cursus/de les/ de sessie gewoon afgenomen.
Access Joy / Akasha Center behoudt zich het recht om de tarieven te wijzigen. Hierover zal gecommuniceerd worden, dan wel zal gepubliceerd worden.
Bij overeengekomen terugbetalingen, wordt alleen het ontvangen bedrag terugbetaald (minus handlingskosten).
Er vindt geen restitutie plaats van een niet afgenomen product.
Een afspraak annuleren kan enkel via de knop onderaan de bevestigingsmail. Wanneer een afspraak niet tijdig (min. 24 uur voor aanvang) is geannuleerd, dan worden de kosten hiervoor in rekening gebracht.
* Rooster
De openingstijden en -dagen worden door middel van de website en online agenda aan cliënten bekendgemaakt.
Tijdens officiële feestdagen en schoolvakanties kan er een aangepast rooster zijn. De uitval van deze dagen wordt gecommuniceerd.
Het rooster is onder voorbehoud en kan gewijzigd worden. Naar cliënt wordt dit gecommuniceerd via de website en de online agenda.
* Aansprakelijkheid
De cursist is aansprakelijk voor schade die hij/zij toebrengt aan (oa. eigendommen van) Access Joy / Akasha Center, de (les)locatie en/of aan derden, mits dit aan hem/haar toerekenbaar is en dit zal ten alle tijden verrekend worden.
Deelnemen aan de les/ de cursus / de opleiding geschiedt geheel op eigen risico voor de cursist. Access Joy / Akasha Center, dan wel de docente, kan op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor eventuele schade en/of opgelopen letsel van de cursist, op welk niveau dan ook en in welke vorm dan ook.
Access Joy / Akasha Center is nooit aansprakelijk voor gevolgen van verkeerd geïnterpreteerde lessen, opmerking en aanwijzingen door clìent. De lessen/cursussen van Access Joy / Akasha Center kunnen ook niet worden gezien als enige vervanging voor andere gezondheidsinstellingen cq - aanwijzingen. Cliënt/klant is te allen tijde aansprakelijk voor het wel/niet opvolgen van aanwijzingen/handelingen en/of tips en adviezen en Access Joy / Akasha Center kan hier nooit en te nimmer aansprakelijk voor worden gesteld, op welke gronden dan ook.Als iets door overmacht niet geleverd kan worden, kan Access Joy / Akasha Center daar niet voor aansprakelijk worden gesteld.
Als iets door overmacht, zoals bijv. internetstoring, niet of niet voldoende naar de zin van klant, geleverd kan worden, kan Access Joy / Akasha Center daar geenszins voor aansprakelijk worden gesteld.
Recordings van lessen en cursussen zijn beperkt beschikbaar en staan altijd onder beheer van Access Joy / Akasha Center en diens vertegenwoordiger(s) en mogen te allen tijde verwijderd worden, zonder teruggaaf van les- cq cursusgeld of opgaaf van de reden daarvoor.
Video's van lessen / cursussen blijven maximaal een aantal weken beschikbaar.
* Beëindiging
Een cursus eindigt na het aantal betreffende lessen.
Indien een cursist/leerling/klant de instructies, de reglementen en/of gangbare normen en waarden overtreedt, kan dit een reden zijn om de cursist de toegang verder te ontzeggen, alsmede de overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang te beëindigen. Er vindt dan geen restitutie van het reeds betaalde lesgeld plaats.
* Verlies/ diefstal
Access Joy / Akasha Center is niet en onder geen beding aansprakelijk voor vermissing, diefstal of schade van of aan goederen van de cursist, op welk niveau dan ook.
Bij verlies/diefstal van cursist/cliënt/deelnemer aan andere deelnemer(s)/docent(e)/cursusleider/Access Joy / Akasha Center, wordt deze te allen tijde aansprakelijk gesteld en wordt het gestolene/ontvreemde per direct / binnen een jaar -indien mogelijk- zonder gerechtelijke tussenkomst teruggevorderd en mòet ook teruggebracht cq hersteld te worden in/naar oorspronkelijke staat.
Alles wat van Access Joy / Akasha Center / Akasha Truth en/of de natuurlijke persoon Maureen Lassooij gestolen cq beschadigd is/wordt cq is aangedaan, afgenomen of ten onrechte is bij neergezet, wordt binnen minder dan een jaar voor altijd blijvend en zonder voorwaarden teruggegeven aan rechtmatige bezitter en volledig herstelt, voor eeuwig, en indien nodig, met tussenkomst van noodzakelijke instanties. En alles wat onterecht is weggegeven, en/of is gegeven aan betreffende persoon of derden, zal worden teruggegeven, onvoorwaardelijk, in zijn geheel, binnen gestelde tijdslimiet en door Het Goddelijke bepaalt, voor altijd en blijvend.
En als er ooit iets gecreëerd is tegen The Divine of om Het Goddelijke te beperken, inperken of kapotmaken, zal dat allemaal teruggaan naar waar het vandaan kwam, en alle gevolgen van dien zullen teruggaan naar de oorspronkelijke dader. Veroorzaakte schade zal onvoorwaardelijk hersteld worden, blijvend en tot in de toekomst.
En daar waar slecht gesproken is, zal teruggaan naar de bron.
Als er een lading is geshift, dan shift die lading terug, indien dat bedoeld is volgens de Zielsbestemming.
Als dingen niet gegeven zijn die wel gegeven hadden moeten worden, worden deze alsnog zsm blijvend, onvoorwaardelijk en op korte termijn gegeven.
Dit alles is inclusief herstel van alle, direct en/of indirect, geleden en/of aangedane schade en verlies en wordt hiermede teruggebracht in oorspronkelijke staat, van vòòr het incident cq betreffende gebeurtenis.
Alles wat hier geschreven is, is zonder enige anti-Divine uitzondering.
Alle pijn die is aangedaan, wordt ongedaan en het geluk wordt teruggegeven.
De schuld wordt teruggegeven waar hij thuis hoort.
Every result coming forth from black magic done by others, goes the result back into their shoes.
Everything that has been taken, shall be untaken, if wished by the Divine.
Iets wat is afgenomen wat iemand van origine toebehoort, wordt onmiddellijk en blijvend teruggegeven.
Schuld gaat naar degene die het geïnitieerd heeft.
Maw: Schuld gaat terug naar waar hij vandaan komt en blijft daar.
All blaming will be stopped, for now and ever.
Karma gaat (terug) naar degene die het gecreëerd heeft.
Access Joy / Akasha Center / Maureen Lassooij, als zodanig / ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 22 augustus 2012 e.v.
KvK: 65485351
BTW: NL001746915B83
Nederlands Staat
At Access Joy / Akasha Center (hereafter named 'Access Joy') we believe truth is the cornerstone of all relationships. This notice describes the personal information Access Joy may collect about you through websites, applications or other means, how we may use and disclose this information, and other related information that is important for you to know.
Access Joy and his legal representers values your privacy. This notice describes the personal information Access Joy may collect about you:
Collectively, we refer to the Websites, the Apps, Social Media Pages, emails and offline activities as the 'Services'.
When Access Joy collects your personal information, we seek to collect what is relevant, adequate, and not excessive for the purpose it is collected. We may collect, create, and observe personal information about you from a variety of sources, including directly from you, from technology such as cookies, and from third parties. These types of data may include, for example, contact information, communications and payment data, or marketing data. We will keep your personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this Privacy Notice unless a longer retention period is permitted by law.
'Personal information'is information that identifies you as an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. When Access Joy collects your personal information, we seek to collect what is relevant, adequate, and not excessive for the purpose it is collected.
Thewaysthat we may collect information about you include the following:
The types of personal information that we may collect about you include:
We need to collect personal information in order to provide the requested Services to you. If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able to provide the Services. If you disclose any personal information relating to other people to us or to our service providers in connection with the Services, you represent that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
How long were tain your personal information depends on the purpose for which it was obtained and its nature. We will keep your personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this Privacy Notice unless a longer retention period is permitted or required by law. The primary criteria we use to determine our retention periods include:
Access Joy may use your personal information to serve you, improve our services, or fulfill the purpose for which you gave us your personal information, such as to carry out a transaction, communicate with you, and run our business operations. Access Joy relies on several legal bases, such as your consent or Access Joy’s legitimate interests, for using your personal information depending on the circumstances.
Under data protection law, certain categories of personal information are recognised as sensitive, including health information and information regarding race, religious beliefs, and political opinions. This is known as ‘sensitive personal data’. We do not routinely collect sensitive personal data, but we will collect this information where there is a clear reason for doing so, such as where we need this information to ensure we provide appropriate facilities or support to you.
Access Joy may use your personal information to serve you, improve our services, and fulfil the purpose for which you gave us your personal information, and for other legitimate business purposes, including to:
We will engage in these activities to manage our contractual relationship with you and/or to comply with a legal obligation:
We will engage in these activities with your consent or where we have a legitimate interest:
We will provide personalized services either with your consent or because we have a legitimate interest:
We engage in these activities to manage our contractual relationship with you, to comply with a legal obligation, and/or because we have a legitimate interest:
We use this information to manage our contractual relationship with you:
Access Joy may share your personal information with third parties for processing on our behalf, with your consent, or where permitted or required by law. Recipients of personal information may be located outside the country in which the information was collected, including in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In such cases, Access Joy takes measures to ensure an appropriate level of data privacy protection.
Access Joy will never sell your details and, except as detailed below, will only share your details with third parties (who are not service providers working at our direction) if you ask us to. Access Joy may share your personal information with other entities to serve you, including for the activities listed in this Privacy Notice.
We share personal information:
We also use and disclose your personal information as necessary or appropriate, especially when we have a legal obligation or legitimate interest to do so.
We also use and disclose your personal information as necessary or appropriate, especially when we have a legal obligation or legitimate interest to do so:
We may collect, use and disclose Other Information that does not reveal your specific identity or does not directly relate to an identifiable individual, including: browser and device information, app usage data, and information collected through cookies, pixel tags and other technologies.
'Other Information'is any information that does not reveal your specific identity or does not directly relate to an identifiable individual, such as:
If we are required to treat Other Information as personal information under applicable law, then we may use and disclose it for the purposes for which we use and disclose personal information as detailed in this Notice.
Collection of Other Information
We may collect Other Information in a variety of ways, including:
Through your browser or device:
Certain information is collected by most browsers or automatically through your device, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type (Windows or Mac), screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, language, Internet browser type and version and the name and version of the Services (such as the App) you are using. We use this information to ensure that the Services function properly.
Through your use of an App:
When you download and use an App, we and our service providers may track and collect App usage data, such as the date and time the App on your device accesses our servers and what information and files have been downloaded to the App based on your device number.
Using Cookies:
Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer that you are using. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the Services, pages visited, language preferences, and other traffic data. We and our service providers use the information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, to display information more effectively, and to personalize your experience. We also gather statistical information about use of the Services in order to continually improve their design and functionality, understand how they are used and assist us with resolving questions regarding them. Cookies further allow us to select which of our advertisements or offers are most likely to appeal to you and display them while you are on the Services. We may also use cookies or other technologies in online advertising to track responses to our ads.We do not currently respond to browser do-not-track signals. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, most browsers allow you to automatically decline cookies or be given the choice of declining or accepting a particular cookie (or cookies) from a particular website. You may also wish to refer to If, however, you do not accept cookies, you may experience some inconvenience in your use of the Services. You also may not receive advertising or other offers from us that are relevant to your interests and needs.
Using pixel tags and other similar technologies:
Analytics. We use Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, which use cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of the Services and report on activities and trends. These services may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources. You can learn about Google’s practices by going, and exercise the opt out provided by Google by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at You can exercise the opt-out provided by Adobe by visiting: Pixel tags (also known as web beacons and clear GIFs) may be used to, among other things, track the actions of users of the Services (including email recipients), measure the success of our marketing campaigns, and compile statistics about usage of the Services and response rates.
IP Address:
Your IP address is automatically assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider. An IP address may be identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user accesses the Services, along with the time of the visit and the page(s) that were visited. Collecting IP addresses is standard practice and is done automatically by many websites, applications and other services. We use IP addresses for purposes such as calculating usage levels, diagnosing server problems and administering the Services. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address.
Uses and Disclosures of Other Information
We may use and disclose Other Information for any purpose, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law. In some instances, we may combine Other Information with personal information. If we do, we will treat the combined information as personal information as long as it is combined.
The security of your information is important to us. Access Joy has put in place technical and organizational safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us in accordance with the 'Contact Us' section below.
You may review, and request corrections to or deletion of your personal information, where applicable, by contacting us using the contact information below. Please notify us of any change to your contact information or other personal information. You may unsubscribe from our promotional emails by using the unsubscribe instructions located at the bottom of the message or by contacting us.
You may request to review, correct, update, suppress, restrict or delete personal information that you have previously provided to us, or request to receive an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another company (to the extent this right to data portability is provided to you by applicable law), by contacting us in accordance with the 'Contact Us' section below. We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law.
In your request, please make clear what personal information you would like to have changed, whether you would like to have your personal information suppressed from our database or otherwise let us know what limitations you would like to put on our use of your personal information.
We will try to comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable. We may take steps to verify your identity before providing you access to your personal information. For your protection, we may only implement requests with respect to the personal information associated with the particular email address that you use to send us your request. In some instances, we may not be able to exercise your requested choices, such as when we need to retain your contact information for contractual obligations and/or to complete any transactions that you began prior to requesting a change or deletion. Please notify us of any change to your contact information or other personal information.
You may unsubscribe from our promotional emails by using the unsubscribe instructions located at the bottom of the message or by contacting us. This action may not unsubscribe you from administrative messages regarding your account, such as security campaigns, and order fulfilment messages.
You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA, Switzerland and certain non-European countries (including the US and Canada) are availablehere.)
If you apply to work at Access Joy, we will only use the information you give us to process your application and to monitor recruitment statistics. If we want to disclose information to someone outside Access Joy – for example, if we need a reference, plan to use an external supplier to run background checks we will make sure we tell you beforehand, unless we are required to disclose this information by law.
If you are unsuccessful in your job application, we will hold your personal information for 6 months after we’ve finished recruiting for the post you applied for. After this date we will destroy or delete your information.
If you begin employment with us, we will put together a file about your employment. We keep the information in this file secure and will only use it for matters that apply directly to your employment.
Once you stop working for us, we will keep this file according to our record retention guidelines. You can contact us to find out more about this by emailing us.
Our Services are not directed to individuals under the age of sixteen (16), and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 16. If you believe that we have collected information about a child under 16, please contact us at so that we may delete the information.
We ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, any sensitive personal information (e.g., social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background or trade union membership) on or through the Services or otherwise to us.
This Privacy Notice does not address, and we are not responsible for, the privacy, information or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any website or service to which the Services link. The inclusion of a link on the Services does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us or by our affiliates.
In addition, we are not responsible for the information collection, use, disclosure or security policies or practices of other organizations, such as Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM or any other app developer, app provider, social media platform provider, operating system provider, wireless service provider or device manufacturer, including with respect to any personal information you disclose to other organizations through or in connection with the Apps or our Social Media Pages.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Services and other websites or online services.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Services and other websites or online services.
You may receive advertisements based on information relating to your access to and use of the Services and other websites or online services on any of your devices, as well as on information received from third parties. These companies place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags). They also use these technologies, along with information they collect about your online use, to recognize you across the devices you use, such as a mobile phone and a laptop.
If you would like more information about this practice, and to learn how to opt out of it in desktop and mobile browsers on the particular device on which you are accessing this Privacy Notice, please visit:
• From Australia:
• From Canada:
• From Europe:
• From the U.S.:
Your personal information may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities or in which we engage service providers, and by using the Services you understand that your information will be transferred to countries outside of your country of residence. For transfers from the EEA to countries not considered adequate by the European Commission, we have put in place adequate measures to protect your personal information.
Our Privacy Policy takes into account the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which has come into force in the Netherlands on May 25 in 2018.
For financial and technical reasons, we may, on occasion, need to use the services of a service provider outside the European Economic Area (EEA) – this may include a country which does not have the same level of data protection as in the Netherlands. However, unless they are located in a country which has been assessed by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal data, we will only use a service provider outside the EEA on the basis of an agreement with the service provider, designed to protect your data, in the appropriate form approved for this purpose by the European Commission. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is processed securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or our use of your personal information, please contact us atinfo@accessjoy.nlor by using the information below.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or our use of your personal information, please contact us at or by using the information below:
Access Joy
Den Bosch
You can lodge a complaint with a data protection authority for your country or region or where an alleged infringement of applicable data protection law occurs. However, before doing so, we encourage you to contact us directly to give us an opportunity to work directly with you to resolve any concerns about your privacy.
We may update this Privacy Notice. When we do, we will post the current version on this site, and we will revise the version date located at the top of this page. Any changes will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Notice on the Services. Your use of the Services following these changes means that you accept the revised Privacy Notice.
Als erkend alternatief therapeut is Access Joy / Maureen Lassooij volgens de wet WKKGZ aangesloten bij het CAT Collectief Alternatieve Therapeuten, bij het BAT Beroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekering voor alternatieve therapeuten en bij het GAT Geschillen Alternatieve Therapeuten.
All Rights Reserved